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Fishing Rod is currently being piloted in Ibagué, Colombia. Ibagué is a city of about 600,000 people, half of which are under the age of 40. The country has a youth unemployment rate of nearly 20%, a number further strained by people displaced as a result of Colombia's recent armed conflict and the crisis in Venezuela. The entire lead advisory board is located in Ibagué, allowing the committee to work alongside the entrepreneurs and assist them in the process of beginning or growing their businesses.


The projects are currently in the second stage of selection. Nominees recently attended a workshop on project ideation and implementation as well as the mental and emotional difficulties of entrepreneurship. As the process for selection continues, images on the selection process and workshop can be seen below. 


David, the Head of Project Operations and Investment, responding to a question in our capacity building workshop for the entrepreneurs.


One of our nominees, Diego, is piloting his social impact project in a local community. He plans to use these workshops on coffee tasting to identify young people interested in working for his community coffee shop and, additionally, paying their schooling. 


Sydney, the Chief Marketing and Fundraising Officer, completing a visit to our nominee's veterinary clinic. She is learning about the free services this entrepreneur offers her community. 

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-13 at 8.29.14 PM.

Our Head Community Advisor, Felipe, and our Founder, Shirin, evaluating the social impact of each enterprise at a local coffee shop. 

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